Our Story

What we do
Come Take a Look Inside...
Nutrashure was founded in May of 2020. Originally, we didn’t set out with the intention of becoming a premier patented nutraceutical ingredients distributor. Our original focus was smaller than that. Our team had a passion for improving the longevity and quality of life that the average consumer has. We believed in a vision where people could become more “fully optimized” and live healthier, longer lives.
We didn’t accept that aging comes with a lower quality of life, and wanted to find a way to flip the script on a society that has simply seemed to accept that aging means slowing down and giving up on the things we love.
After dissecting this problem, we realized the most powerful way we could develop these ideas was through our formulas and by designing ingredients that embodied the beliefs we have. Thus, NutraShure was born, and we have been in the pursuit of developing, patenting and producing these ingredients ever since, with the ultimate goal of impacting and extending the length and quality of life of all those we do business with.